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Sanogel is a gluten free pregelatinized starch with cold water swelling capabilities suitable for people intolerant to gluten.

Applications: Gluten-free food, Baking mixes, Baked goods, Fillings, Dairy products etc.

Benefits: Excellent taste, Viscosity/texture control, Thickening agent, Increase of water absorption and dough hydration, etc.

Avante B

Avante B can be used to reduce sugar.

Benefits: Reduce the use of sugar, Improve nutritional label,

Applications: Shortbread, Biscuits


Multa Gluten

Composition: Vital wheat gluten & hydrolyzed wheat protein.

Properties: Strengthens and improves consistency without excess elasticity. Improves volume, appearance and the sensation of freshness.

Applications: Specially designed for croissant as well as other applications.

Dinkel/Spelt Flour (Whole, White & Semolina)
Dinkel (Triticum Spelta) also know as spelt wheat. A resistant grain in environmental & ecological damage due to its outside part called spelt.

Applications: Bakery, Pasta, Soups, Stews, Cereals, Biscuits, Crackers, Pretzels, etc.

Benefits: Suitable for selective dietary requirements, High-quality protein, Very rich in A, E and B group vitamins, Minerals contained: magnesium, phosphorus and especially iron.
Amaranth Flour
Amaranth Whole Flour is extracted from amaranth seeds plant.

Applications: Cereal, Pasta, Bread, Pancakes, Crackers, Cookies and other Baked goods.

Benefits: Very high in protein, fiber and lysine which is an essential amino acids.
Pea Flour

Pea flour is rich in proteins, fibers and iron as well as other ingredients. Suitable for people suffering from coeliac disease as well as vegan and vegetarians. Pea flour comes in: yellow and green.

Applications: Bakery, Pasta, Frozen dough, Cereal and Snacks, Biscuits, etc.

Benefits: Lentil Flour contains more than 21-22 grams of protein per 100 gram as well as fibers.

Legume Flours

Our company can supply you with the following Legume Flours in Conventional or Organic:

- Split Pea Flour
- Dark red kidney bean flour
- Quinoa Flour
- κ.α.

Stikker (Native)

Stikker is a native wheat starch with hot swelling properties developed for breading systems.

Applications: Ingredients for batters, Coating of meat, fish and vegetables-products.

Benefits: Increased and stable cold viscosity without separation, Increased adhesion of the batter coatings.

Rice Gluten Free Sourdough

Properties: Rice Sourdough can be used as a starter as part of the leavening together with a bit of baking soda.

Applications: Gluten free.

Corn Gluten Free Sourdough

Properties: Corn Sourdough can be used as a starter as part of the leavening together with a bit of baking soda.

Applications: Gluten free.